Why settle for a standard shower enclosure when you can transform your bathroom with a vintage industrial design that strikes a note on a grand scale. No need to source old window frames at salvage yards, we will custom make this design for your bathroom.Email your bathroom shower measurements; we will send you back a quote, and even install it for you if you are in the Los Angeles area.We also ship the panels for installation at your location.Other sizes and configurations available, even for above bathtubs. Email for details.

With the amount of time we spend in our showers it's a good idea to put some time into considering the design of the enclosure you'll be looking at and using for the next 20 or 30 years. The shower enclosure you are replacing will most likely have been made of brass or chrome colored aluminum and has that unmistakeable clanging sound as you close the door. We all like to think that what we spend our time and money on will not need to be replaced any time soon and that it will still be a good looking shower and have a classic feel for many years to come. We have all seen architectural designs come and go; the hated 60's concrete with drip marks, the 80's style reflective glass buildings but classic and neo classic, art deco, Industrial and craftsman building designs have all stood the test of time. Put the same process to work for yourself with your shower enclosure and incorporate a design that will stand the test of time.